Lovelight medicinals By Tim Hanrahan

80:12:4 Base cation saturation ration with P=K and B:Ca = 1:1000

40% peat, 40% aeration (I use perlite, I prefer various size chunks)

20% high quality compost (Coast of Maine lobster compost)

560g of the following:

Soft Rock Phosphate (Ca, P, trace minerals, highly reactive colloidal clay)

Wollostonite (Cal-sil) ( Ca, Si)

Zeolite (K, ammonium storage, K storage, open structure clay with interesting properties)

Shrimp meal (N, Ca, P, Chitin)

420g of the following:

Gypsum (Ca, S)

Fish Bone Meal (N, Ca, P)

280g of the following: Tennessee Brown Rock Phosphate (Ca, P, trace minerals)

Kelp (K, Mg, S, trace minerals, hormones)

140g Sun-po-Mg (Mg, K, S)

To this I add 2 cups of each:



Dry Humates


Water in with 4 grams of borax (B) when wetting peat. This is a low N mix, While it contains enough until the roots fill out the pot, it is advised to water in with Amino acids or other Hydrolyzed/fermented high N concoction. You could also add alfalfa at 2 cups per 4 cuft but I would allow 2-3 weeks cook time when adding additional N to the mix. I also use this as a top dress for all stages of growth.

lovelight medicinals


Capital City Mumbo Soil by Robby Adams