Wolf Segal
Wolf Segal, aka "The Farmer in the Sky," has been called both the
“Nicola Tesla” and the “Forrest Gump” of growing cannabis. It is a safe
bet that if you’ve grown two or more crops of cannabis, at latitudes
higher than Tijuana’s (32.52⁰), you have, almost certainly, used a
technique and/or technology that he brought to the field of
cannabiculture. He planted his first crops of cannabis along the
highways of NorCal and Southern Oregon in 1971. He grew his first indoor
crop in 1975. He is the originator and popularizer of the Sea of Green
Method and the True Screen of Green Method (Not all scrogging is True
Screen of Green.)If you've used a Hortilux lamp or fixture; used an
"umbrella style" paraboloid reflector,used a ceramic metal halide or
ceramic high pressure sodium lamp; supplemented UV; used raw evaporated
cane juice as a tonic for ailing plants; did the extended dark AT THE
FLIP to turbocharge production of florigens and shorten the transitional
"stretch," he influenced your growing.
Along with Kevin Bjornson--owner of Hydro-Tech (Originally in Seattle)
Wolf had a column --"The Farmer in the Sky--that ran in Sinsemilla Tips:
Domestic Growers' Journal from 1982-1988 and put out the book--"Growing
Indoors for Fun and Profit in 1985. Wolf has been an active supporter of
the causes he believes in all his life. As of 28, October 1989 he had put
$250,000 into cannabis normalization activities and organizations. He
became a life member of NORML in 1979 and in the years prior to him
being taken down for the highest plant count (12,000+) of anyone busted
in Phase I of 1989's "Operation Green Merchant. Wolf was a Prisoner in
the War on Drugs from 28, October 1989 until 24, February 2005, except for 11
months that he was "at large" in '95 & '96.
Since his return to the world he has been active in medical cannabis,
researching the newly developed field of Teslan Photobiology and helping
people figure out how to grow wiser.